Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stick a Fork in it

You can stick a fork in our vacation. It is officially done.

Had one final good day, though, so I won't complain... until the alarm goes off tomorrow morning.
Got to sleep in today since we had a late church service at the park. We got lucky and the rain held off. It was a nice service with extra music, which I always enjoy. Hey, if you can get Lutherans to clap along to a song during church, you know it's something different! Afterwards, we had a picnic lunch in the shelter.

Since the sun was coming out to stay, Carter wanted to stop at the car show at the Lions Park. These were most of the cars we saw drive by last night in the cruise. Carter just wanted to drool over the Corvettes and I definitely enabled him! I picked out a Mustang or two I could live with, too.

When we got home, I knew I should do some housework but my deck chair is having withdrawal symptoms, so I thought I better tend to him first. It was pleasant out today -- high 70s -- so I sat outside and read for a bit. Then did the chores I neglected yesterday.

Got some grocery shopping done so we have stuff for lunch this week. Do not want to be thinking about that! After I got home, I went for a little run and then Carter and I watched the movie Rio, our first Blu-Ray rental. Cool!

Somehow during the movie he was going to take his glasses off and they broke. Not just a screw loose, the whole bow broke off. So now we really, really should get contacts but we'll have to wait until the Pink Eye totally clears up. I taped the glasses so he will look like a first-class nerd when he goes to football camp in 2 days. But I guess I won't have to worry about him breaking them in football!

See, there's a positive side to everything.

Except the end of vacation.

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