Wednesday, July 6, 2011

They're Coming

As we get prepped for the Iola Old Car Show -- held right on the grounds where hubby and I work -- I can't help but wonder what sort of sights I'll see this year.

Oh I don't mean cars, though there'll be some beauties, I mean people!

From where I sit, holed up in a vending trailer selling our magazines and books, I see a lot of different things. And by different, I mean "variety" but also "not the norm." It definitely helps the time pass more quickly -- and I'll need that with my long stints at the show the next 3 days!

Today was a physical set-up day, getting all the merchandise in place and hanging all the promotional signs, etc. Very hot out. Very sweaty. Good thing Carter twisted Daddy's arm to make him stop for ice cream on the way home. He twisted it so good Daddy stopped at Shivers so Carter could get his soft serve and at King Cone so he and I could get the good stuff.

Hey, I don't have an addiction. It's just National Ice Cream Month and I am being patriotic. (That's what someone told me and, really, why would I bother to double check that fact?)

To aid in his cool-down, Carter also had me buzz his hair tonight while Daddy buzzed the lawn. I think I got the better deal. Plus I'm not too keen on going in the backyard these days!

Now I just have to find my Old Cars shirts to wear and I'll fit right in. If you're coming to Iola, let me know! Otherwise, I hope to capture some entertaining moments for you! Wish me luck!

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