Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Cash

...Save the aggravation

Haven't I been waiting?

It's really you I'm thinking of

Why not keep it simple?

Why not give a little cash?

Money! (yeah)

~ Fred Figglehorn

Although I typically sing my Christmas carols -- not rap them -- I knew there was one about giving people money for Christmas to save the headaches of shopping. Not that I mind either.

Most of the time.

I just wanted to pick something up tonight so I had hubby take Carter to his basketball game with a plan to swing by Wal-Mart, pick it up and meet them there. My swing, however, was a strikeout. This one item I have seen a dozen times suddenly wasn't there anymore so I had to start re-thinking. That is always dangerous.

And much too time consuming.

With my cart still empty, I was lucky to make it to the game on time. But I did. And we got crushed. Pummeled. Totally schooled by two 3-point shooters from Pittsville. Carter did score again!! ("Mom, did you hear how loud everyone cheered when I made that?") So that is the silver lining in the 49-36 loss. Ouch. I know.

Since we were driving separately, I continued my shopping sojourn. I went straight to ShopKo and got thoroughly distracted. I should have gone for the easy thing I saw right when I walked in the door. But no. I had to putz around and browse. I am a terrible shopper. I like to know exactly what I'm getting and go and get it. I don't like to walk around and wait for an idea to come to me. Forty-five minutes later and that tactic did not play out well.

But I had some items in my cart. There's always something to buy, isn't there?

So there will be no gifts of cash.

I would have to have some myself first!!

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