Friday, December 30, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Today was a walk in the park compared to yesterday. No housework equals no flying appliances equals no injuries. Yay, me.

We actually had quite an enjoyable day on an Austin tour. Visited with the John Austins and Uncle Joe Austins in town, then headed up to Marshfield to see the Uncle Frank Austins. Who says you can't take a "Sunday Drive" on a Friday? It was very nice.

Since it was dark when we left our last stop in Marshfield, we were able to tour the holiday light extravaganza at Wildwood Park. Although we literally could have had that walk in the park today, we did the drive-thru.
Here is the entrance. Apparently, this grows and grows each year with more lights on more trees and more lighting displays. It was all accompanied by holiday music we could listen to in our cars, too.

Of course the purple tree was my favorite!!

See the dome in the distance? You might wonder if there are some Vikings fans creating this! (Oh just humor me.)

Most of my photos are blurry since the car was moving, but you get the general idea. Anything holiday related was illustrated with lights.

Patriotic symbols, too.

Not much snow on the ground around here but Frosty showed up.

The park is actually pretty close to a train track so this is cool.

What Carter thought was cool was the "movement" pictures. The blurring creates some funky lines. So I did a few on purpose to add art to his bedroom wall.

More purple. Of course.

He loves these funky lines.

And these psychedelic "birds" that forgot to fly south. It's all in the camera movement. And yes, I did print those out so he could hang them up. He has an eye for art even if he is color blind.

I just like lights.

Versus seeing stars before passing out...

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