Monday, December 19, 2011

Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer

... When we found her Christmas morning, at the scene of the attack, she had hoof-prints on her forehead, and incriminating Claus marks on her back. ...

I'm not sure if I got run over by a reindeer or a Mack truck... either way, I'm in the hurt box.

I should have known I was in for a strange day when the moon was shining brightly outside our bedroom window -- when I got up for work! I was thinking our clocks were wrong or something. But it's just late December and we're closing in the shortest day of the year.

To back track on my back... It was bothering me a bit last week but I did not get around to seeing my chiropractor. I just ran out of time and when I remembered to call, it was after hours. So Saturday morning, I was really feeling it. Then Saturday afternoon, after our 4-hour drive Up North, I was really, really feeling it. I had my big strong brother-in-law Steve lift me up and try to crack it, but it just didn't work. (It just got me giggling.)

Was fine enough yesterday and even when I woke up this morning. I got through breakfast, curling my hair and brushing my teeth... but as soon as I reached up to put a necklace on, my back went out. And when I say "out," I mean it suddenly felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

There are days I would definitely opt to stay home in bed. But this week, where I have to get 2 weeks of work done in 3 1/2 days, it really isn't an option.


I managed to shuffle around at work, like a Grandma -- not necessarily one who got run over by a reindeer. I had a some moments of normalcy where I got work done... then moments that took my breath away... in a painful spasm kind of way. Dang.

Left work at 2 p.m. to get to a 3 p.m. chiropractor appointment. He had a field day. And will see me again in the morning. And probably the morning after that, too.

Was OK to go to Carter's basketball game. Couldn't get too excited, though, because those sudden movements were hell on my upper back and neck. So I quietly cheered when he had a few steals and even made a free throw. Yay. We still lost to Auburndale, 39-30. Dang again.

Carter was playing in Pep Band tonight for the varsity boys game. I really wanted to go but just had to get home and get on the ice. I had one detour through Wal-Mart to get some stocking stuffer treats before they're all gone. But that was it. Now I took some nighttime medicine for the pain and will be out like a light in no time.

Hopefully, I will not wake up with hoof-prints on my forehead. But I expect hubby will be calling me Grandma!

I have been known to drink to much eggnog...

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