Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weak Spot

I discovered something today that could be a matter of national security. I found our weak spot.

Don't tell any terrorist-in-training groups out there, but I found out how they can capture probably half the population in the U.S. It's basic brainwashing, really. And the vehicle to accomplish it: The Hallmark Channel.

Seriously, I was a victim myself today...

This morning I was back on task in the computer room. Around 11:20, I gave hubby a ride over to a local establishment so he could have "lunch" with the guys and not have to worry about driving home later.

I get back home and turn the Weather Channel on, just to see what the snow rumors are about. Then I flip it over to the Hallmark Channel and there is a Christmas movie in progress. Next thing I know, I'm snapping out of a trance-like state 90 minutes later. My eyeliner has run down my face. I'm surrounded by used Kleenex and an empty Reese's Peanut Butter Christmas Tree wrapper.

What the heck just happened? There had to be an outside influence involved. It could easily have been terrorists... enabling my avoidance of cleaning.

Yep. I'll blame them. I know I certainly wasn't looking for a way out of it. Certainly not.

Good thing I was able to snap out of it, recover and finish that room. I was very proud of myself. I managed to clean out some files, too, shred a garbage bag's worth, plus -- and it's a big plus -- finally clear some photos off the computer so hopefully it won't run so sluggish. All this before my 4:30 chiropractor appointment, I might add.

While I was in the waiting room, it seems all the magazine covers were shouting out the "Get Organized" message. Yes, I'm getting the message. And it feels good. I can move on to a new room tomorrow.

Tonight, though, I'm just going to relax.

If you never hear from me again, you know I got sucked into the Hallmark Channel once and for all. Wish me luck!

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