Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 11th Hour

I know I should have some inspirational year-end introspective retrospective, but I don't. It didn't feel like the end of a year to me today. It just seemed like a normal Saturday. Had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, spent some time at the indoor batting cage and did some grocery shopping. Just another Saturday.

Although I had intended to hit another area of the house on my de-cluttering campaign, I didn't get around to it. Too busy doing nothing, I guess.

Hubby and I went out on a New Year's Eve date of sorts. Went to The Branding Iron for dinner. I was nice and made Carter supper of his choice -- Chicken Alfredo -- before we went out. They don't take reservations at The Branding Iron, so we had over an hour wait. By chance, another couple shared our "waiting table." They were visiting from the Milwaukee area. Had never met them but managed to pass the time talking with them!

Had an awesome dinner. Jim had the prime rib and I had the stuffed shrimp. Goooood stuff. We were too full for dessert but I got a piece of cheesecake to go. I'm still too full for it.

Got home at 8:30 or so and the three of us played Tripoly until 11:30. That's a card game (sort of) that we always played when I was a kid, too. That was fun. And I'm not just saying that because I won. Though kind hubby did say, "It took all year but we finally found a game Momma could win." Oh yes, he's a smart alec alright.

We ended up watching the ball drop on TV at 11 p.m. and had our "shots" of eggnog then. Carter and I have to get up for 8 a.m. church because he has to acolyte. So we're not sure we'll make it to our midnight. I'll try, though.

Today, I asked some friends what they felt their greatest accomplishment was in 2011. Answers ran the gamut from staying employed to staying married -- with some new ventures in between. I said my greatest was doing the half-marathon. Right now I'm thinking it would be staying up until midnight!

Should have trained harder.

If I forget to tell you later, Happy New Year!

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