Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Step Backward

Well I jinxed myself.

I shouldn't have even mentioned the downfall of hubby's pedometer. Not when I was this close to the end of this Steps Challenge.

What happens? Well, my pedometer died yesterday -- thankfully the day after Double Points Day. I took Jim's battery out of his dysfunctional one and put it in mine and that did the trick.

For yesterday.

Today, when I was on my lunch hour run, it suddenly reset to 12:25 a.m. so I lost all my steps for today. Including the first 2 miles of my run. Grrr. Since Jim's did the same thing before it completely whacked out -- including losing all of its 7-day history -- I quickly found our steps "coordinator" and had her record Monday and Tuesday's miles. I did not want to miss out on those since they were both over 8 miles.

So there I sat, realizing I am only 23.2 miles (and 9 days) away from my goal. So easy to obtain, yet impossible without a working pedometer. That's when the angel appeared. Well, first she appeared to Jim and gave him her unused pedometer. He in turn gifted it to me since I am in the challenge and he isn't.

I am extremely paranoid now and just want to get these 2 dozen miles in by Monday so I can just be done with it and, frankly, might just take a vacation from this bodily attachment!

Now, instead of worrying about whether I'll win the Kindle Fire, I have to keep my fingers crossed that this pedometer lasts long enough.

And if it does and I still don't win, they double grrr!

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