Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Next Stages

We entered the next and final stage of Summer tonight -- signing Carter up for Fall sports. Now we have it in writing that he officially is going to put some effort into it before cross country practice starts Aug. 19.

That's how it works, right?

It better. He does need to log his daily running activity so the coach can see he is in training. So I will have to be the nagging drill sergeant mother getting him to do it. Yesterday, for example, I had a good lunch-hour run. I texted Carter: "Ran 4 miles. No walking. Your mom rocks."

I did not get a response but he did tell me when we got home from work that he ran 5 miles -- not just 4. Geez, he needs to have a better motivation than beating his old lady! For now, though, we'll take whatever helps him get to and through the next stages of competition. The REAL competition.

After the sports signup meeting, Carter went over to a friend's to stay the night. So hubby and I had the night to ourselves! What to do, what to do. Well, we did spend an hour very close to each other.

...Cleaning out the chest freezer in the garage. Whoo-hoo!

Well, I also needed to move onto the next stage of my Big List. After cleaning out those cupboards of expired food and orphaned containers last week, it was time to move onto the next chore. Since tomorrow is garbage day, the timing was perfect.

Not exactly the bonding we might have wanted. But we crossed something off the Big List and we have a few fun items to cross off soon, too.

Just give us a few days and we'll get to that stage!

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