Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ice Cream Clone

Oh wait, I should have said CONE, but I did mean clone, after all.

Did you ever have one of those days you wish you could clone yourself so you could be at least two places at once plus get all the things done you need to get done in those paltry 24 hours we get in a day?

Sometimes you see it coming. You see it piling up before your eyes and you know you are going to reach maximum capacity with your stress level and capabilities. Other times, it just hits you. BAM! And you are overwhelmed and overstressed.

Although I allegedly thrive on deadlines -- being in a publishing career -- I sometimes forget how the extra little things can add up. Suddenly they are coming at you like a paintball machine and there is no escaping the hit.

Even though we have 5 days of work this week. With next Monday off for Labor Day, we have Monday things crammed into this week's schedule. Plus we have two extra magazines going to print and have a new e-system of sorts thrown at us editors. Oh, it's been fun. I can't believe it's only Wednesday. It has been a long week already. On the other hand, thank god it's only Wednesday. There is so much more to be done.

In the off hours, add in the random cross country practice schedule and it really comes down to this: Either I need to clone myself or Carter's needs his license ASAP. I'm not sure which would be scarier for society right now. But after a good night's sleep, I might not be in the lead on that one.

There's also a few other changes in the mix that I will have to comment on later. Right now, I gotta hit the hay early so we can go into work early and leave early for Carter's first cross country meet.

I'm just going to ignore the forecast for another 90-degree day of running. I can't do anything about it. And I don't need to add it to my pile of cone-cerns.

I mean clone.

I think.

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