Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Over the Hump

Much like the infamous Hump Day camel, Wednesdays can have their fair share of ups and downs.

On the up side, I got to spend my lunch hour with my Hair Artist. Way more fun than running.

On the down side, a dear family friend (and Carter's confirmation mentor) had a heart attack and quadruple bypass.

On the up side, it looks like he'll recover!

On the down side, a friend from church just lost her special man friend to cancer today -- the same way she lost her husband years ago. How tragic!

On the up side, hubby got to "work" at the golf course today! Well, it was an outing for one of the associations that support his magazines.

On the down side, I wasn't with him.

On the up side, Carter and I enjoyed a free community picnic at Lake Wazeecha tonight, hosted by our local Community Foundation. At least a thousand people there and we saw plenty we knew. And enjoyed a good meal AND a Dilly Bar.

On the down side, I didn't get many steps today so I'll have to take a quick walk around the neighborhood now while I can still see any skunks out and about!

On the up side, Carter has a friend over for the night and they put up the tent in the back yard all by themselves. They are going to have a "Burn Fest" in the fire pit next -- burning their school papers from last year! (At least he is de-cluttering.)

Hope your Hump Day had more ups than downs!

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