Monday, August 26, 2013

No Sweat?

It's easy to say "Don't sweat the small stuff" -- but hard to do. Especially when it's nearly 100 degrees.

I think it fell just shy of that in Minnesota and was about 4 or 5 degrees short of the triples here. That's fine. No one is looking to break records just for the fun of it. And anyone who works outside or exercises outdoors certainly isn't a fan.

The good news is that it was quite breezy so it really did feel like Mother Nature had a fan blowing. That was misleading, though. That and a wicked morning rain storm that seemed to cool down the earth. Instead, it sneakily got it steamy.

I went out at noon for a short run. I'm not crazy. The temperature on my computer indicated it was only like 74. There was a nice breeze and I thought I'd be fine. Well, the air was pretty darn heavy. And I was sweating big time -- even with that "fan" blowing. I was only too happy to make the turn for a 3-mile loop instead of continuing on another mile.

I was more concerned about Carter going later. His cross country practices falls right around the temperature peak of the day at 4 p.m. I guess it was a rough one. I am trying to drill in the importance of hydration but I know it's not easy for many of us to just drink water for no reason. But if we are thirsty, well, then it's actually too late. We are already dehydrated.

So why do it? How's this for logic?

That should be inspirational to any of you who ran today or worked outside or, heck, just stood out long enough to perspire. We're making progress, fellow foxes!

Honestly, with the 7-day outlook, it's not going to be that foxy. Just sizzling hot!

Carter will have to endure practices tomorrow and Wednesday -- then his first meet already on Thursday. I will probably just get one more run in on Wednesday or Thursday before my 10K in the Twin Cities on Saturday. All I can say is I am glad we are running early in the morning and that I did not sign up for the half-marathon.

I mean I do want to look like a fox, but there's a good chance I'd end up turning into bacon first.

Be careful out there!

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