Sunday, August 4, 2013

Natural Setting

Today is one of my favorite Sundays of the year because my church has its annual Worship in the Park at a city park in town. There's just something so peaceful about praising in a natural setting. Plus, knock on wood, we luck out and the weather is gorgeous each year. Today was no exception. Pleasant 70 and sunny.

Our service was accompanied by a band called Shepherd's Quarter, which happens to include a former Iola co-worker of mine. So that was cool to see him for a bit. It was also great to see a few of "my girls" from the mission trip. And enjoy a great meal.

After the picnic, Carter and I stopped at another park where they were having a car show sponsored by a local Corvette Club.

I hadn't checked the Powerball numbers so I didn't know if I could shop today or just browse. I took the safe route and just browsed. Maybe drooled a bit, too.

Carter stayed there awhile since a friend of his was showing a car (well his dad was) and I came home to do some laundry and bond with Mr. Deck Chair. Hubby was in Marshfield visiting his uncle so I was actually not ignoring anybody -- just ignoring that list of chores I am so dedicated to getting done!

After Jim came home, we did have a little excitement. He yelled at me to grab my camera and look out the front deck windows. At first thought, you would have thought our cat was loose. But no, we had a new neighbor checking out our front yard.

He seriously was making the rounds in the neighborhood, enjoying our natural setting, and was probably waltzing up our driveway when I was on the deck and didn't even notice! Whew! (Better than PEW!)

We had some concerns since it is a nocturnal animal hanging around in the daytime. And well, what can you do to it without it stinking up your yard or house or the person holding the non-threatening Red Rider BB Gun. So we kept an eye on it and it wandered slowly (it must be sick or injured) to the woods.

I hope it stays there or moves beyond to another neighborhood with bigger guns or something. I'm just glad our cat is not an indoor/outdoor pet. She'll be OK. And hopefully the friendly little dogs around here will be, too. Of course, Jim says I'm probably happy about the situation so I'd have something to blog about.

What an unfair statement! True but unfair. Ha.

I will admit it has me on edge a bit. We went for a walk around the lake this evening and my eyes were constantly darting to the wooded areas, checking for that familiar black and white. Luckily, the only black and white animals we saw were dogs.

Let's hope it stays that way.

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