Friday, August 30, 2013

New Beginnings

The conversation on Carter's first day of school today went something like this...

Mom: Do you know you're going? Do u have your schedule? 

Carter: It's in my pocket. I was born at night, but not LAST night.

Introducing our sassy sophomore! At least he won't NEED me for anything. Except rides, of course. Oh, and money. Always that.
It's actually a pretty big day for him. And not just because he's starting 10th grade. He also started a new job tonight. He will be chief cook and bottle washer at The Ridges Golf Course. Well, not the COOK part. At all. Just bottle washer... and every other kind of dish washer.

Hey, we all gotta start someplace. I am hoping that he'll be able to take what he learns at his job and apply it at home. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Either way, it's going to be an interesting year for him. And us, no doubt. He'll only work Friday and Saturday evenings so this shouldn't interfere with homework.

Yup. First day and I've already got my nag on. Carter may have new beginnings this year but I just keep going with the same annoying thing. Think he'll listen this year?

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