Tuesday, September 3, 2013

After Labor Day

I don't think we give Mother Nature enough credit about how much power she wields. Seriously, she can flip a switch and it goes from pre-Labor Day summer to post-Labor Day fall.

Or make that winter!

Not joking. We awoke to 39 degrees in central Wisconsin. This is why we have a fashion exemption here. In Wisconsin, we ARE allowed to wear white after Labor Day.

We call them "long johns."

I wasn't sure if we'd need them today for the late afternoon cross country meet, so I packed an extra sweatshirt and jacket just in case. As it turned out, I did need them at work since the A/C was still cranked. So not needed today.

Later, when it turned pleasant outside, we never did get the opportunity to enjoy it. Carter's back has been bothering him big time the last two days. He texted me after school (on the way to the meet, of course) that he wasn't going to run it today. He said he was in too much pain to make it 3.1 miles.

Well part of me, the "I'm a tough mother runner" part, told him to power through it and he'll have 10 days to recover before his next meet. The other part of me, the "I've dealt with back pain and it can be debilitating" part, empathized and sympathized a bit more.

But he really better be in pain since we stayed at work longer and Momma got no time in the sun. I mean, with my son!

He's going to keep icing and stretching and whatever it takes to help it. We know he's not exaggerating because he was so excited about his performance last week, he was looking forward to trying to match it in the Loyal cornfields. Now that will have to wait another week or so.

I hope he gets another day like this one. The one thing I like about those after-Labor Day temps -- they are good for running. Mr. Deck Chair does not agree. But he also knows I am not ready to part ways just yet either.

Even if I have to sit out there in my fashionable WHITE long underwear.

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