Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bye Week

It's late and I am tired and I have nothing to say. I am so tempted to take a "bye" from blogging, like teams do in the NFL, but I can't do it. I feel this weird obligation for all 5 of you reading this. So you better appreciate it!

The word of the day is CHANGE.

In Wisconsin, we have a heat advisory one day and a frost advisory the next. In other words, A/C cranked yesterday and my mattress pad turned on high today!

The other big change is something quite positive. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to talk about it for a few days. Just know that a person really appreciates when they are the ones in charge of "change" rather than "change" controlling them.

I better quit on that before it turns into rambling nonsense. I'll fill you in when I can!

One thing that hasn't changed is Carter is still up doing homework. I always ask if he needs help but secretly am OK when he doesn't. Especially when it's chilly out and my warm blanket is begging me to come to bed.

I'll have to take a bye on that homework. And probably should have taken one on this substandard blog.

I will know better next time! Sweet dreams in this great sleeping weather!

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