Monday, September 23, 2013

Shuffling Along

Some days I feel like a technical wizard. But then, I have low standards. If I can accomplish a little techy problem, I feel like a Geek Squad Rock Star.

Today was one of those days.

I ended up taking the day off from work. In terms of all the projects I have hanging over my head at home, the Wild Women's Weekend was ill-timed. (But worth it, of course.) Fortunately, I have unscheduled vacation days I need to use or lose, so I was able to stay home and enter my geek mode.

I mentioned awhile back we are doing some shuffling of rooms in our house. One of the driving reasons was that we wanted Carter in a bigger bedroom so it's not so cramped when we host a German student for a month in the spring.

The other, bigger reason is that hubby started a new job today AND he'll be working from home so he needs his own space. I'll tell you more about it at some point when he's more established into what he's doing, but it's still utilizing his writing and editing skills -- but now with more of a public relations and marketing twist. I will miss my chauffeur of 10 years, but we are both excited about the potential.

Part of making that happen was getting a dedicated work space in our house. So the big "to do" list today included me getting his new laptop up and running plus new programs installed, along with setting up a new wireless printer, etc. I was an IT god. I figured it all out.

But wait, there's more.

I moved our computer, etc, into Carter's bedroom which is now going to be my office space ... and scrapbooking space... and whatever. We were able to drill a little hole in the wall between our offices so we could get the Internet cable connected in "my" room since Jim didn't need it. He'll pretty much be wireless.

That took us up 'til 2 p.m. We were burnin' daylight!

Since we dismantled Carter's bunk beds and I sold them on Craigslist in record time last week, we now had space to move the extra office desk into my new office. That was the only other thing on the "must do" list. We had to enlist a neighbor's help as the desk was too heavy and we eventually had to take the doors off both office rooms to fit it out of Jim's and into mine. Mission accomplished by 4 p.m.

With my "new" desk moved, I had to move stuff from the table/desk in my downstairs Scrap Cave upstairs so Carter could start to use that as his "new" desk in his "new" room for homework tonight. Got that done but needless to say, it was 5:30 p.m. before I finally showered today!

So much more to do in this shuffling project but I needed a break. Went to deliver an All Sisters Winery gift to my BFF Christine, then came home and used up some apples to make some apple-cinnamon bars. New recipe for me. Just waiting for them to cool so I can have one before going to bed.

Some of us have to work tomorrow! And now I need to be awake for the drive.

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