Monday, September 9, 2013

Breakfast Club II

One of my favorite '80s movies was The Breakfast Club, a story of mismatched students spending a day of detention together while learning about others and themselves. Great flick.

If they are looking to do a sequel, I might qualify. Depends if they give adults detention or just send us to the principal's office.

Tonight we had two meetings at the school. We got there a bit early so we could drop off some food for Carter, who had just finished cross country practice. He ate in the cafeteria and we headed up to the second floor for our meeting with the German teacher about the upcoming exchange program.

As we're walking down the hall, we are looking at lockers and see that every fall athlete has a sign on theirs indicating what sport they are in. We saw one for Carter's teammate and under this "anonymous" boy's name, is said... "has the best sister." Light bulb goes on and I say to hubby, "We gotta find Carter's locker!"

Didn't take us long to find it or for me to deface it.

Hey, he's gotta appreciate that I used a Post-It Note and not a Sharpee, right?

We'll see.

In the meantime, it was kind of fun to be a little rebellious since I was absolutely a 100% straight-and-narrow student in high school. I pinky swear! The only downfall will be Carter's restraining order against me at the school.

But if I get cast in the movie sequel, I'm sure he'll forgive me.


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