Thursday, October 2, 2014

Speedy Blog-zales!

This is the world's fastest blog as it is already 3 hours past the time I was HOPING to get to bed AND only 5 hours 'til my airport alarm.

And I still have one more project. Yup, my 4-day week has been jam-packed between work and home and volunteer projects. Ugh.

At least I am packed. After Carter got home from CC practice we went over to Plover to get his hair cut. It looks different but very nice. Had a quick bite to eat at the new Panda Express (yum), then headed home so I could stop at ATM, gas up the vehicle and get a few more things done around here.

Yes, I know there is a football game on, too! Unfortunately, we both are missing it because he's drowning in homework and I have one more QUICK thing to do before bed and that 2 a.m. alarm.

Ariba! Sleep speedy, my friends!!

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