Sunday, January 4, 2015

All Over But the Crying

Sadly, even waking to a fresh layer of pretty snow could not improve my mood. Today is officially the last day of my "winter break." It's all over but the crying.

But I did some of that, too.

Besides more winter, I also awoke to the news that ESPN sportscaster Stuart Scott had died. He has been battling cancer for 8 years. He was only 49 but had been entertaining viewers for like 20 years. I had planned to go to church this morning but got caught up in the all moving tributes. Before I knew it, church starting time had passed and I was a bawling mess.

I guess death and the winter blues shouldn't go hand in hand.

Since I was blue, I figured I might as well un-deck the halls and the rest of the house. The tree was un-trimmed and packed away. And the few other decorations I had displayed are back in storage. I didn't have that much up, but the house still looks naked!

I wasn't full of energy but Jim's left arm / elbow is bothering him so I figured I should get some shoveling done before he got home from church. Carter did some – the minimal amount he could – and I got a great start on the driveway before the neighbor came over with his snowblower. That was a big help.

The snow wasn't heavy but it was cold and windy out. In fact, we are in a windchill advisory for the next 15 or 20 hours. Right now it's 5 below zero in Rapids and "feels" like minus 26. Uff da. Am not going to want to leave my warm bed in the morning!

And that foreign sound of the alarm won't make it any easier. Better get that mattress pad heating up for an early bedtime.

Hope the rest of you who had a holiday break of some sort could enjoy it, too. I saved 2 of my Hallmark movies in the DVR queue just so I could gradually wean myself off of this seasonal sloth...

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