Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Brain Freeze

So the kids were back in school a whole two days and they got a day off already. And I'm talking about students across most of the state of Wisconsin. No new snow in sight. But frankly, it was so cold, who would go out to check?

The Rapids school district was among the many that made the call last night already after confirming the forecast for windchill temps around 45 below zero. We don't need kids getting frostbite on the way to school or at the bus stop.

With the early announcement of "brain freeze," Carter wasted no time asking if someone could stay over. I said fine as long as they didn't make too much noise since I had to get up early to go kickboxing.

It was a test of my newly pledged commitment,  but I got up and out the door by 5:30. Yeah, I should be committed!

Awhile later, when I was heading out the door for work, I noticed 4 extra pairs of shoes by the front door. Wow, 5 boys (I hoped) in the basement and I slept through it. Hubby says the guys (basically half the cross country team) slept 'til 11 and after 19 scrambled eggs, 24 sausages and 8 pieces of toast, they were primed for a day of... nothing.

Lucky them.

It never did get above zero today or even "warmer" than minus 6. Uff da.

Was glad to get home from work tonight and have no plans but to bundle up under a blankie and watch American Idol and Modern Family. As we speak, my mom should be landing in Texas to stay with my sister and brother-in-law for a month.

No brain freeze with that woman. Her timing is impeccable!

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