Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Motivation

Raise your hand if this has ever been you. Oh c'mon. Be honest now.

Mondays always seem to be the day to start that new diet or start something new. It's like a clean slate. A much-needed second chance after a weekend of gluttony perhaps coupled with some sloth. Especially a Monday preceded by a football playoff party with plenty of pizza, cheese dip, BBQ meatballs and more.

Oh, the guilt-ridden Mondays and their reluctant resolutions.

After I posted the above cartoon on Facebook today, a friend posted this lovely photo of her "snack" at work today. I personally hate celery and would have to find a different way to punish myself for the WWW (weekend without willpower).

I did go to my Ultimate Body Challenge cardio kickboxing after work. That felt great. But we also took our Body Fat Calculations today. Oh my. If you ever want motivation on a Monday or any day of the week, locate one of those machines and check out your "composition."

Uff da. I really could use the celery. But I'll stick with fries...

Ha, ha. Nice try. Let's just say I am glad to have a starting point and hope that after another 9 weeks, that disturbing number from today is smaller. Much smaller.

I'm making progress. Only had King Cone ONCE this year!

Feel free to pat me on the back. Not too hard. Some muscles are still recovering from some new-fangled strength move called a "push up." (Did you know that's NOT orange sherbet ice cream?)

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