Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weather or Not

I can be a bit of a weather junkie, especially in the winter. When you have a bit of a commute, it's just one of those things you do. Check online to see what you're waking up to and what's coming for the day and week.

Just like a second opinion, if you don't like what the local TV station has to say, switch to Accuweather. If they aren't giving you what you want, check the Weather Channel. And trust me... they have been giving me some interesting, even conflicting, information lately.

This is a screen shot from a frigid, frigid day on January 7...

Minus 8 degrees and they have a balmy beach background, complete with a sailboat – even with the "outdoor exposure should be limited" warning. Are they trying to make us think summer-y thoughts? It didn't work. Made me, for one, feel worse. Brrrr.

Tonight, though, I found this entertaining...

We should feel good that it's 20 degrees (and feels like 11) because "it is now more than 15 degrees warmer than it was yesterday at this time." Ha. I have never seen a statement like that. I guess the weather web folks get bored when there isn't a major snow storm headed our way.

Maybe tomorrow it will say "It is now the second day in a row without a windchill advisory." Whoo-hoo! Leave your jacket at home!

Actually, that's not entirely sarcastic. It's a five-day forecast to smile about. Tomorrow's high will be 34 and come Saturday, a spring-like 37. Mr. Deck Chair will still remain in hiding, but those running shoes better make an appearance!

Let's not ruin this positive mood with a look at the 10-day forecast. This gives me a few days to get in the mindset that I should not kill the messenger.

Mock him, yes. Maim him, no.

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