Friday, January 2, 2015

Keep Pushing Forward

This is one of my absolute favorite pictures of my twin and me. I thought of it today when I was wondering about making New Year's resolutions. It's always important to have someone nudging you in the right direction.

In this photo, I may have just been pushy, but it also says to me that when we can't make it on our own, it's a good thing others are there to help us get moving again.

A couple from church did that for me today. At 5:20 a.m. actually.

They somehow nudged me into accompanying them to a fitness class. So they picked me up and away we went. I will tell you more later in case I sign onto this thing, but first I will see if I can physically get myself out of bed tomorrow morning. Feeling fine now, but you know how that goes!

I spent the rest of the day doing a mix of work (like my job work), some organizing, changing the calendars (ha), and taking a few bags of donations to Bethesda. If I can get a bag or two out of my house and over there at least once a week, that's progress.

No, I did not get the whole bedroom done today. No, I did not do anything in my office / Scrap Cave. But I will keep pushing forward, striving for progress.

I do have deadlines. We may be doing some renovating / home improvements in the bedroom before spring, so I have plenty to get organized and/or removed from that room. I also have my annual Camp Crop-A-Lot scrapbooking weekend coming up 7 weeks from today so that is a pressing deadline. Lots to do to get ready there... finding photos, printing them, sorting them and prepping pictures and paper for each page, etc.

While I had hoped to do some of this stuff on vacation, you know what? I didn't. And I am fine with that. My one resolution is to not stress out unnecessarily. I have too many gray hairs as it is! I just need to be loose, let things I have no control over just roll off my back and get done what I can get done.

Be content with the progress and keep pushing forward.

I may need reminders now and again. But that's what you're here for, right? Give my old rusty wagon a nudge when I need it!

Thanks in advance.

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