Saturday, January 3, 2015

Old Kids on the Block


Just got home from a great neighborhood block party and I can't even blog about it. For some reason the cat is laying across my keyboard and I can't quite access all the letters. She must feel warmth from somewhere.

OK, now she moved since Carter came into the room.

As I was trying to say... We had an INDOOR block party across the street. We all brought goodies for a potluck, then played games. I ended up shaking dice with the guys. I only had 3 quarters on me and, despite beginner's luck, had to text Carter to bring my wallet across the street so I could keep shaking. I should say that hubby was the one with the pocket full of IOUs and I am only out a dollar I still owe the next-door neighbor.

I probably should have just played Apples to Apples with the others!

Was a good time and nice to see everyone. It's weird how in the winter it's dark so early we literally don't "see" each other. In the summer, we can just walk around the circle and say "hey" to people out in their yards or whatever. In the winter, we are wisely shut up in our warm homes... watching Hallmark movies or blogging or perhaps reading a good book.

Come Monday, I have to crawl out of hibernation and join the real world again. It was nice to end my "break" with good food and great people.

I'll just BLOCK out my losses.

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