Monday, February 2, 2015

Cruisin' into Spring

I don't know why we listen to a furry rodent for the seasonal weather forecast. It's pathetic really.

I can't recall a time Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow and predict 6 more weeks of winter.  So his prognostication is not new. But boy,  the timing is awful. It just happens that Feb. 2 is frigid and windy and the last thing we want to hear is more of the same.

For too long.

I am so grateful my mom got to spend a month down at my sister's in southern Texas. She'll be come home this Saturday but had had a very nice time. I talked to her tonight and got to hear about her first - and quite enjoyable - cruise!

How nice! They sure looked relaxed. I'll have to take a cue and find a way to cruise into Spring myself. I guess the heat from my electric mattress pad is a start.

Now who's pathetic? 

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