Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In One Air Horn and Out the Other...

While hubby is enjoying his jambalaya down South, I forget that it falls on me to get the teenager out of bed in the morning since he doesn't respond to the atomic air horn alarm.

I didn't completely forget.

I was done with my kickboxing class and stretching out when it dawned on me that Carter might not have gotten up on his own. Never a good sign to round the bend at 6:37 a.m. and see a dark house. Or walking in the door and hearing that atomic alarm that is loud enough to wake the dead, but not a 16-year-old.

So I race downstairs and flick on his lights and do the "mother air horn" with a shake and a "Carter, you don't have much time!"

He got up.

Actually, he had a half hour to get ready before he had to leave for school. But he was panicked and said, "You better call school and tell them I'll be late." What?

Riddle me this... How is it I showered, dressed, curled my hair and was out the door to work before he was leaving for school? It goes without saying that I am amazing, but seriously, what does a boy have to do but quick splash, throw on clothes, grab a Pop Tart and go? I don't know how 30 minutes is not enough time.

But he was late to school. I did not call or write an excuse because I know it could have been avoided. Tomorrow I'll be better prepared.

In fact, I know I have a real air horn around here somewhere... You'll hear it if I find it. Carter might not, but you will.

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