Monday, February 23, 2015

The Shell Game

In this photo from this morning, it looks like kitty passed out after a strenuous round of the Sea Shell Game! Either that or she is laying a protective hand on one of my many lighthouses until I get home from work.

Remember the Shell Game on the Price is Right? The game begins with four shells on a table, one of which conceals a ball. the host mixes up the shells so that no one knows where the ball is.

In a nutshell, that describes my February.

I have been juggling so many balls in the air, I'm not sure any more if there are any left under the shells or if it's morphed into a new game where I can't let any balls fall to the floor. Just got overbooked a bit but I keep telling myself, it will be good when February is over. The the big events and all their related planning, plus another separate project that was new and therefore time consuming, will be done.

Too bad I wasn't ahead of the ball. When it was 13 below zero here this morning I could have squeezed into hubby's suitcase and gone with him to New Orleans. He called tonight and said it's only about 40 degrees warmer there than here. I'd still take it!

He is there for work so I will be the chief cook, bottle washer and homework nag-igator for a few days. That just means I have to add Carter's "shells" to mine and see if I can keep track of our schedules.

Good thing Price is Right used to be one of his favorite shows at the babysitter's. I may need his help.

Please tell me they get "Life Lines" on that show...

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