Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow...

While hubby was away, kitty actually did spend some time with me for a change. Although she did not come to the warm bed at all, she did manage to make herself at home on my desk. Always while I was trying to get something done!

I think I figured out why.

Sylvester thinks my desk light is a sun lamp! Can you blame her? Even today when the temperatures reached above zero, the windchill was always below zero. Tonight is supposed to get much worse. Even I might be tempted to find a sun lamp!

Don't worry, Sly, the sun will come out tomorrow...

And do you know why? King Cone is opening for the season! It should almost be a holiday, shouldn't it? How else can I make it there at noon and be one of the first 100 to get a free prize? I'll just have to settle for a slight detour after work.

In the meantime, I'll sing to stay warm (in my heart anyway)....

Tomorrow... tomorrow... I'll love it, tomorrow... It's only a daaayyyyy aaaaawwwwaaaayyyyy!

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