Monday, February 16, 2015

Presidential Sweet

Thank you, Mount Rushmore, for memories of a warm summer day (without windchill). And thank you, presidents, for a Monday off from work. Sweet!!

For those keeping score at home, the next time I have a holiday I will get to spend it with Mr. Deck Chair. Memorial Day seems like a long way off...

It was a nice "extra" day to the weekend and I took advantage of it. Got my Cardio Kickbox class in this morning, then stopped at the scrapbook store to get "just a few" pieces of paper I need for the weekend. After a shower, I got all of our tax stuff in order for the tax man, then spent an hour or so with my BFF, who always gets Federal Holidays off!

Tonight I got the last of my camp stuff together (except for my clothes and bedding, etc), so that feels good. I also got some last minute posters and labels done for the Empty Bowls event next weekend. Just whipped through my "To Do" list!

I did take some time for fun. Watched the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special from last night and got some good laughs out of that.

Then I called my mom to see how she's acclimating to winter now that's she been back from Texas for a week. She's not a fan. She said Valentine's Day was the coldest it's been since she was around 10 or 12 years old. Uff da. On a positive note, she is liking her brand-new push-button phone! She still has the two rotary ones on the wall so when a call comes in, all 3 ring. At least we know she won't miss a call because she can't hear it!

It was good to talk to her and, as always, she loved talking to "grown-up" Carter. "I hope you don't mind I gave him some advice," she said. Basically, she told him to make good decisions because the results follow you everywhere.

I think some presidents could have heeded that advice. Still got a holiday out of it, though!

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