Friday, February 13, 2015

Thirteen Shmirteen

Hope you all survived Friday the 13th OK. I mentioned the date to my fitness instructor this morning and he asked, "Are you superstitious?"

I don't think I am. A few unlucky things have happened on the 13th. Not necessarily on a Friday the 13th. And plenty of unlucky things have occurred on other dates. Thirteen, shmirteen.

So no, I don't get freaked or let it rule me. I mean, heck, I live with a mostly black cat!

I do step on cracks on the sidewalk and I haven't broken my mother's back yet. Though she does have severe osteoporosis in her spine. Whoops.

I even manage to actually breathe rather than hold my breath when driving past cemeteries.

Perhaps I have come a long way.

So I treated today like a normal Friday. It was not normal at work where we had two "Monday" deadlines moved to today so we can have Monday, Presidents Day, off. That was a bit hectic but worth it. Got to leave at 3 p.m., too. So it was really worth it!

Tonight was a home boys basketball game versus Pittsville, who beat us on their home turf earlier this season. Hubby had to sell tickets so he needed to be there at 5:15. I dropped him off, stopped at the Cravings coffee shop, dropped some letters off at the Post Office and went to the library.

Nobody tailgates before a Royals hoops game like I do.... I enjoyed a Sweetheart Mocha Something from Cravings while sorting through 475 photos for next weekend's scrapbooking getaway. Who has more fun than ME? No one.

Except the basketball team, who came from behind to beat the Panthers tonight. Nice!! Very good game!

Perhaps luck – if you believe in it – was on our side. We'll take it.

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