Friday, February 6, 2015

MVP Network

There are a lot of different networks out there. For professionals, I am part of LinkedIn. For social networks, I am on Facebook, Twitter and, obviously, Blogger. But my favorite is my Mint Network.

As soon as February hits, I need to rely on the eyes, ears and taste buds of other Mint Freaks like myself who can't wait for Shamrock Shakes.

Tonight, hubby and I and a handful of other friends watched a double-header basketball game between Rapids (public high school) and Stevens Point (whose boys are ranked No. 1 in the state) – mainly to see our friends' daughter play.

Despite a dual loss for Rapids and major bleacher butt (and back), I came away with some MVP (Most Valuable Piece) of information. Shamrock Shakes are coming to town tomorrow. This according to a friend who heard it from her daughter who heard it from another friend.

Oh this is no ordinary network!

Then, just to dispel a rumor from a weak link in the chain of communication who "thought" we had to wait until Monday, I had it confirmed from our newest network member (whose daughter works at McDonald's in town) that Saturday is the day.

Whew. That's a lot of work. Good thing word travels much faster now thanks to all those other, less important networks!

Mint Freaks live to see another Shamrock Season!

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