Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pinocchio Promises

My son's nose will start growing like Pinocchio if he ever says I'm a mean mom. I mean look at that list! He would have it so much worse if I actually followed through!

Sure, some of it is true. But a lot of those empty threats are just that, empty. I say I'll take something away if he doesn't do an assigned chore or that he has to wait to get something for his birthday. He can't just have it now for no reason!

But, because I'm a softy (or forgetful), I rarely follow through.

I was talking to a woman at work today who was both impressed and dismayed that her 2-year-old granddaughter could operate a computer and a smart phone and, naturally, always wants to be on one or the other. I bet she'll have her own by the time she's 5.

Well I recall a certain set of parents on Blue Jay Drive who insisted they would not be getting their son a cell phone or smart phone until he was 16 and driving. Why would he need one if we are with him or he is somewhere we drove him?

Hmm... That kid has had the smart phone for over a year and his license only half that time. What a pushover those parents must be!

In our defense, it was a good package deal. But I can't explain the other "rules" I've failed to enforce!

Personally, I am OK that my mom only enforced her rules and punishments only 99 percent of the time. Otherwise I'm quite sure I'd still be grounded from TV... Then grounded again in this century for sassily telling her I can still watch shows – on my tablet or phone.

Yep. This mom business ain't for sissies.

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