Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Life in the Fast Lane

I worked from the Home Office today since I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon (just an annual checkup with Dr. Fun). So I got the unexpected privilege of going to the 1 p.m. Ash Wednesday service at my church.

I did something today I haven't done there before. I volunteered to help usher. Only had one elderly man on duty so I jumped to his side and figured it out. He was very appreciative he didn't have to handle offering by himself, or communion. And it wasn't too difficult – especially with a small midday crowd.

You are never too old to try something new.

Of course that only goes so far. My hubby, who is Catholic, was very good about fasting today. I did not try that "new" thing. It hasn't been a practice that has been impressed upon me as a Lutheran. Plus, if you've ever seen my running times you know Fast and Robyn do not go together.

Ironically, though, I am fasting right now. The doctor wants to check my blood-sugar levels since diabetes runs in my family, sort of. I picked the earliest time possible tomorrow so I can sleep through most of the fasting. I'm such a cheater! Anyway, I will get up, go to my class and get to the clinic by 7:15 a.m.

Then, I may have to get another one of those special shakes on the way home. They probably don't serve those for breakfast do they?

Which brings me to this question: Is it illegal to switch dates on the calendar? It's just not right that today starts Lent and commitments to give something up – and tomorrow is National Chocolate Mint Day. Of course, I never said I was giving that up. Well not totally. I suppose the results of tomorrow's blood test will tell me what I do or don't have to give up going forward.

Hopefully, the results will take a long time so I can at least enjoy MY mint holiday and my scrapbooking weekend in oblivion.

(Good luck and God bless you in your Lenten commitments!)

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