Friday, March 27, 2015

17-Second Miracles

I listened to an uplifting audio book this week called The Seventeen Second Miracle
by Jason F. Wright.

I finished it on the ride home from work tonight and, without giving too much of the story away, I can tell you the main message is this: Seventeen seconds can change a life forever.

In the book, one of the characters must overcome a tragedy that occurred because his attention was diverted for 17 seconds. Instead of letting it define his life in a negative way, he incorporated 17-second miracles in his everyday life. He chose to live every day believing the smallest acts of kindness could change the world.

I for one believe they can.

What most would call "random acts of kindness" or just plain ol' "good manners" do not necessarily fall into an exact 17-second time slot. They may be a 5-second gesture to open the door for someone or they may take 15 minutes to give someone a ride home. Some times it's just a two-second "hello" to a stranger and other times it's 2 hours of serving meals at The Neighborhood Table.

Every act of kindness has an impact. Miracles can happen – but you must participate in them.

In the book, those learning this concept were encouraged to keep a journal. Not a self-serving record of everything they did for others, but what others did for them. It's sort of like the month of November, "Gratitude Month," when we think of 3 things each day for which we are grateful. It doesn't take us long to realized how blessed we are, does it?

Now take it step further and just incorporate that line of thinking the other 11 months, too. Reflect each day and recall: Who performed a 17-second miracle for you today?

My fitness instructor performed a 45-minute miracle, which I did not appreciate at the time. I was the only person to show up for 5:40 a.m. kickboxing class so he said he'd make a private lesson. And by "private" he meant personal torture for Robyn. I was not sure if I was going to puke or pass out. I did neither. And when I was done and did my weekly weigh-in, I was thankful for his efforts!

If I really pay attention, I'll realize that someone complimented me at work, I received a much-appreciated phone call from a friend, had a sister offer to take some extra work off my hands and my hubby did our laundry (and even tri-folded this diva's underwear).

I may not necessarily keep a journal of these small favors, kind gestures and miracles, but I will make a note to self to recognize them, appreciate them and pay them forward. It's just the right thing to do, don't you think?

A seventeen second miracle can change a life – if you let it. The clock is ticking.

Are you in? I am.

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