Monday, March 30, 2015

Redefining Mondays

When I accidentally dropped my anti-anxiety pill down the drain first thing this morning, I knew without looking at the calendar that it was Monday.

And we wonder why it gets such a bad reputation! It can't seem to escape its own stereotype!

On a serious note, though, it was a very tough Monday for two dear friends. One lost her mother this morning and another was visiting his father for what might be the last time. My Monday morning mishap is hardly worth mentioning. They are losing so much more. And I'm praying for them.

I'm going to see if Monday can't redefine itself. When we face it – or any other rough day – let's focus on this To-Do List...

I wish I could take credit for creating it. It's such a logical list for life, isn't it?

While I do thank God daily for my blessings, it is unfortunate that others have to suffer in some fashion for me to see sometimes how truly good I have it. Even though I was griping about my mom's hoarding tendencies this weekened, I wouldn't trade her for the world. With one parent gone, I appreciate her even more.

I'm not ready for the loss my friends are coping with at this very hour. But when are we ready? I guess that's why the list includes letting go of what we can't control. When we let something go it opens our hand so God can grab hold and walk with us. Maybe even lead us through a tunnel of darkness, but definitely stay by our side every step of the way.

In case you were wondering, that's nothing new. He's always there for us.

Sometimes He's just more visible on a Monday.

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