Monday, March 2, 2015

Green Eggs and Ham

I'm pretty sure on Dr. Seuss' birthday that Carter would agree that Sam character who did not like Green Eggs and Ham. With his queasy tummy, probably everything looked like that to him, too.

On the plus side, even though Carter missed his first day of the school year, he is doing better and will be back at it tomorrow. Even after 12 hours of sleep last night, he was not road-ready this morning. He slept some more, finally got non-green food in him and some fluids.

Felt well enough by afternoon to tackle two days of homework and study for 3 tests. That would make me want to crawl back into bed.

For the rest of the week.

Meanwhile, it was nice to have Daddy working at home to keep an eye on him as needed. I worked in Iola and got home in time for kickboxing, which worked out well since Carter was typing a paper on my computer anyway. Then, since he was still working away when I got home, I was forced to sit on the couch and watch The Voice.

The way I suffer!

Of course, now I am up late, wrapping up my work and sanitizing my mouse and keyboard so I don't get green around the gills tomorrow... or around my breakfast eggs and ham.

I do not like green eggs and ham.
Because I am picky.
Picky I am!

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