Thursday, March 19, 2015


Every year I support certain charities, such as my mother's Cancer Walk, Special Olympics and... the office NCAA Pool.

I consider it a donation since I never, ever, ever would have a chance of winning. I don't watch the games before March Madness so my bracket reflects March Clueless. Yet, I still gave at the office.

This year, I am testing the theory that no one on the planet knows less about college hoops than me – and still forks over money each March. So I filled out a bracket on behalf of our cat Sylvester, who chose ferocious feline mascots when possible.

There are quite a few from Wildcats to Tigers to Bearcats. When a Sylvester-like species was not an option, she chose the muscle mascot. For example, a rabid Razorback will have a field day with a little Terrier, doncha think? Basically she kept to the Beast over Birds line of thinking, too.

Unfortunately, early reports indicate my theory is playing out. I am the most clueless! Sylvester, on the other hand, er paw, managed to pick upsets like Georgia State over Baylor and UAB over Iowa State.

I fear how much she is going to put me in my place. No matter how bad it gets, I'll keep you posted as the Madness continues.

In the meantime I'll do a little reading in advance of next year's "charity" event...

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