Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sprung Forward

Who knew all we had to do is turn our clocks ahead an hour and spring would arrive? Had I known, I would have done this 3 months ago!

After some below-zero mornings last week, today was certainly a treat with its sunny skies and temps climbing to 45 degrees. Walka. Love it!

I managed to have a spring in my step despite losing an hour of sleep... which I really didn't "lose" since I slept in and skipped 8 a.m. church. I realized later, there was a reason God had me rest and go to the 10:30 service instead.

We think God works in mysterious ways but really, He knows His plan. We are just slow to figure it out sometimes. Today, He had two of us "8 o-clockers" break routine and go to the later service. Thanks to His design, we were both able to be there for a friend in need. A friend who hasn't been to church lately but chose today to go. Praise the Lord for his sense of timing.

I shed some tears after our girl huddle. I feel badly for my girlfriend and her current struggle but am so thankful she now has two more people praying for her. There is the positive.

With such a glorious day, that was the only downer. I went to the car wash after church and then did a little bridal shower shopping for one of my nieces. The shower isn't until the end of May, but I had some ideas. At my age, you ACT when you have the ideas because you may not remember them later!

Got home and threw open a few windows and commenced to some spring cleaning. "Some," I said. I didn't go overboard because I wanted to at least get outside.

You might say competition heats up around here when the temperature does... In the tug of war between Mr. Deck Chair and my new running kicks, how on earth did I let the shoes win?!

I don't know but it felt awesome to be back out on the road again. I could tell all my "cross training" has been helpful because I wasn't in pain or winded at all. Mind you, I only went 2 miles since it was the first run of 2015 and I was playing it smart. Still, I got out there. (And the news shoes from Santa feel great.)

For the record, 10 more degrees and Mr. Deck Chair would have won. Hands down.

We may get there yet this week. We'll see.

Speaking of springing forward... The darndest thing happened when I was busy at home changing the clocks last night. Carter waited for the girls hoops team to return on their bus in order to "team up" with #14, his friend Gracie.

Awww. So glad a friend captured the "prom-posal" for me! And glad the girls made it to state. While I knew about the poster and Plan A, I am not sure what Carter's Plan B would have been.

Guess it doesn't matter. If there's one thing I've learned today, things have a way of working out, don't they?

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