Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jumping Through Hoops

Sorta seemed like two days packed into one today.

Although not on top of his game, Carter finally made it back to school. He was jumping through hoops all day, catching up on tests he missed yesterday, those he had to take today, plus the homework.

He still wasn't 100% but had to go to a previously scheduled dental appointment after school, too. His mouth was still numb for pep band later. I would almost think he faked his way through the pregame show, but I know the sound of the deep baritone now – and he was suffering through it. No faking!

I did the dentist thing earlier today. I worked from home office to accommodate a 9 a.m. appointment. I was relieved when I woke up that we didn't get the several inches of snow predicted. However, by the time I got out of the dentist office at 10 a.m., I had a thin coating of ice on my car. Yuck. A bit of a slick ride back home.

Various work projects kept me busy all day but thankfully I could wrap up in time for us to go the Assumption boys basketball game – round one of regional playoffs. It's a bit crazy this time of year as the girls are in their sectional week and boys are following a week behind.

Our boys are having a pretty decent year and tonight they really showed it!

What a nice final score to see after playing Bowler, who almost had the same record as us. Now the boys move on to Friday play at Port Edwards, ranked very highly this season.

In between now and then, our girls start their sectional semifinal in Waupaca on Thursday.

Why do we jump through so many hoops to watch Royals hoops games? I love high school basketball. It is fun to watch and great to see the "kids" you know do well. Plus, our school is small enough it really is like a family. So many show their support no matter who is on the team.

As long as they are wearing Royal Blue, we'll jump through one more hoop. Even with a numb mouth!

That's the spirit!

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