Saturday, March 14, 2015

Silver Belles

There's no shame in being the second-best Division 5 basketball team in the state of Wisconsin. Still, it is quite the bummer to work so hard and not take home the gold ball. Still, silver is pretty, doncha think?

Gametime was 11:05 a.m. so we were pretty much on the road at 8 a.m. We had a great crowd of supporters decked out in Royal Blue and crossing our fingers that this year was OUR turn for the championship.

It just wasn't meant to be.

After Barneveld captured a solid lead, they never looked back. The invisible force field that prevented our shots (even the easy ones) from going in was no help either. The closest we ended up coming to them was a 10-point margin after a late 3rd-quarter / early 4th-quarter push.


After all our previous contests with them, the 59-43 margin was not at all what the players, coaches and fans expected. Still, it is probably an easier pill to swallow than losing by just one point and knowing one little basket could have made the difference. This way, we know a lot of things should have gone better.

Late this afternoon, we gave them a Welcome Back / You Girls Still Rock reception at school.

There were some tearful speeches and heartfelt praise for the team and supporters. What a great group of girls. I love my "daughters" on the team. Ha. And, the good news is that we have no seniors on the team so they are ready to make a run for it again next year.

Way to go, Silver Belles!

If you didn't catch the game live or on TV, here are a few highlights... as in Carter makes the big screen...

Thank goodness for those easy-to-spot spirit bibs.

I see the bibs. I see his baritone. Just not his face. But we KNOW who he is, right?

Sneaking into the frame during some halftime tunes.

Speaking of sneaking... There's me trying to sneak back to my seat after visiting friends in the front row. Glad I curled my hair today for the BIG theatrical debut!

We were just happy to be there. Despite the loss, there's at least 150 other D-5 schools in the state who wish they were in our Silver slippers!

Well done, Lady Royals!

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