Friday, July 17, 2015

Falling Off The Turnip Truck

To set the record straight, I did not just fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

I did that today.

Hubby says, "Hey, you want something to blog about?" So of course, I come running. You never know, it could be something good.

It wasn't.

Turns out this muffler thingy – guard, maybe? – is now dragging from the CRV and somebody needed to crawl under there and fix it or take it the rest of the way off. Let's see... it has to be someone small enough to get beneath, someone who brags about her "Gearhead Card" and, apparently, someone in desperate need of blog fodder.

That would be ME, I guess! So yes, I went straight from the turnip truck to the garage. The muffler thingy was just hanging on by a rusty thread so I gave it a twist or two and it came off. At some point, we'll let the true gearheads install a replacement. For now, at least it's not dragging.

Mission #1 accomplished.

Actually, make that Mission #2. My first mission was getting up and going over to a girlfriend's for coffee and cinnamon rolls. Since my friend Brenda is a teacher and I am between jobs, we both had today off. That worked out nicely. Had a good visit catching up. In fact, after two hours, I thought, this is perfect way to avoid housework and yardwork today. But my dance card remained wide open for the rest of the day. Dang.

So after Missions #1 and #2 were done, I went for the big #3. I decided I would finish that rock pile if it killed me. And with today's heat and humidity, it almost did. Probably stupid to keep going for hours, but I did. And it's done!

I realized I did not take a "before" picture but I found one from May when I was taking pictures of some torrential rainfall. Anyway, you can see it is an overgrown mess.

Here's Phase 2 after I'd weeded and dug out crap, replaced the brick border with a higher one, and placed some of the under-layment stuff. Oh, and got the 2 yards of white rock delivered.

Today, after blood, sweat and sweat-induced salty tears, I am basically done! I do have more items to add, such as a solar lighthouse perhaps, and I need to move my old bricks somewhere. I had stacked them like the leaning tower of the Great Wall of China... wait, what? You know what I mean. Now I might use them to enhance the fire pit area. We'll see.

For now, though, I don't care to lift another heavy object for quite some time.

Unless it's an ice cream scoop laden with cool and creamy yummyness. I think this little turnip worked for it, don't you?

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