Monday, July 13, 2015

I Don't Sweat, I Sparkle

We had some wicked storms throughout the Midwest during the overnight hours. Lots of people lost power, not to mention trees and lightweight lawn chairs. I could hear the wind and rain while I was trying to sleep but all we got was rain. Still had power. And Mr. Deck Chair stayed put.

The post-storm weather was "thick," though.

Pretty sure both the temperature and the humidity approached 90 today. But, because I was naughty this weekend, I knew I better go to kickboxing after work. What was I thinking?

The first sign that I should have just stayed home was that I was the only one there. When that happens, the instructor goes "off course" and puts me through the paces like a personal trainer. Here's a dirty trick ... the batteries in the wall clock went dead so he didn't know how much time had passed. I, on the other hand, was flabbergasted that I had worked out so hard... in only 10 minutes!

When we figured that out, it was too late. I was hot and sweaty, well sparkly, and going blind.

Did you know that if you "sparkle" enough, it can pour down your face, into your eyes and it stings like heck! The salty sparkles burned so bad I could not open my eyes. Yikes. Good thing I always have a towel with me to mop up sparkles.

I still looked like a hot, wet mess but I went on a few errands right after class. Naturally, I ran into someone I knew at the library. She did not comment on how sparkly I looked.

Perhaps she was blinded, too. It can happen to the best of us!

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