Sunday, July 26, 2015

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

We found ourselves with a day of simple plans. Get up. Go to church. Go to the Chicken Dinner.

Well, we all slept in. That's what happens when you are up past midnight. Hubby had to head to church to help with their lunchtime Chicken Dinner fundraiser. Just like their Friday Fish Fries during Lent, he is their go-to dishwasher. Like father, like son, right?

The "simple" plan, which was already out of sync, was that Carter and I would go have lunch there. I just had to get the boy up and go between 11-1. Easier said than done. I tried several times to get him moving. Finally, at 12:20 p.m., for fear of a chicken shortage, I told him I was leaving. He woke up then but it was too late. I was the winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Except that they were out of white meat by the time I got there. But I still got some chicken, tasty potatoes and gravy and other fixin's. Jim's mom and sister were both volunteering to serve and clean up tables but they took little breaks to talk to me as I dined alone, like other teen moms must get used to, I suppose.

Got home and decided to stay in the air-conditioning today. Another high 80s day. As much as I love the sunshine, I have plenty to do inside. I decided to tackle my closet and get rid of clothes that were either too outdated, too small, too big or too "young." There are things a 40-something mom probably shouldn't be wearing. I just really, really hate to dress my age! Seems old!

I managed to get halfway done in the closet and had 4 grocery bags filled. Jim did a quick run through his closet and added another bag. Five bags gone to Goodwill. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Naturally, I lost momentum after that. But if the heat wave keeps up, I might get through the whole closet this week. Wow, I do need to get a life. 

Maybe I should change winner, winner to "loser, loser"!

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