Friday, July 24, 2015

TGIF (This Girl Is Flowering)

Don't look now, but there's something growing outside our new door. It's not something a girl with two black thumbs could readily recognize. But, according to my Gardening for Dummies book, they are what you call "flowers."

I swear I did not just buy these flowers today. Although I did purchase them already planted. I have had to keep them alive for a good two weeks now. Holy cow, they are a lot of work. You know when we have a dry spell you actually have to water them to keep them alive? Yes. That's a free gardening tip from me.

You're welcome.

While I was messing with that overdue yard work and landscaping mess, I decided to pretty up a few areas. Nothing says pretty like purple, right?

So I have the welcome basket and a hanging basket by the end of the driveway, plus a bucket in the white rock garden. I bought them all separately but somehow stuck with the purple theme. I wonder why...

Hubby actually took a picture of this plant the other day with the caption, "R.I.P." so I was determined to resurrect it. Apparently there are many ways to fill those "extra" 2 hours a day I have now that I am not commuting so far.

Do you know what kind of flowers these are? I just call them "living!" I believe they are petunias. I know that now that I Googled it, but I don't recall if it was on their price tags. Now don't go telling me these are super hardy and easy to grow. I have killed a cactus before. Nothing grows easily around here ... except my waistline and the hair on my legs.

Let's get rid of that visual and look at another Living Flower! Now these Tiger Lilies (right?) really are planted in the ground and came up on their own. I just had to weed a bit to encourage them.

It sounds simple enough. I just don't know how long I can keep this up. Meanwhile, cobwebs are growing on Mr. Deck Chair again. But I suppose if I want something nice to look at while I am enjoying his company, I better keep the water bucket handy or do a rain dance – which must be outlined in the sequel to Gardening for Dummies or that new release There Must Be Something Better You Can Do With 120 Extra Minutes A Day...

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