Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sly Excuses

Since we don't have a dog, I can't say he ate my homework, but I can say our cat made me late for class.

Thank goodness it is light out when I get up by 5:20 a.m. for exercise class, or it could have been ugly today. Real ugly and real stinky.

First I get dressed quickly because I hit the snooze too many times. Then Sly – short for Sylvester – leads me down the hallway with a loud "meow" that I know means she needs food and / or water. We don't even get to the livingroom before I notice a dark object on the carpet. It was too early for my eyes to focus so I couldn't tell if it was poop or puke.

I walked past it for the moment to get her food and water, mainly to silence her. So I take her breakfast downstairs to her dish and notice she dropped a nice gift in front of Carter's bedroom door. Now that would not be a nice good morning for a grumpy teenager getting up early for work.

So I got back upstairs, grab the paper towels and carpet spot cleaner and hit the hallway first. That turned out to be slimy puke of the hairball variety. Good morning, Robyn! Cleaned that and quickly disposed of the mosaic turd pattern by Carter's door, too.

Cleaned hands thoroughly and got out the door. Was almost 5 minutes late for class!! Still got a full workout in but just kept thinking, "That darn cat!" Now I know why that used to be the name of an old Disney movie. Those Sly felines have been acting sneaky and Sly-meee forever.

I don't know if she is just getting old or what but this is the third day in a row we've had to clean up after her. On Sunday I chased her around the house because she had a pooper hanging out. Cats do NOT stop when you want them to. They just run faster ... and hide! Then yesterday, Jim had to clean up some puke-age off the white carpet in our bedroom.

She better break these habits before the weather turns cold and she wants to snuggle in our bed. Thankfully, don't see that happening any time soon. Nice warm spell this week. I think Mr. Deck Chair is going to start acting up so I pay him more attention.

Pretty sure I hear him faking a cat call right now...

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