Sunday, July 12, 2015

Left Tackle

Most people know "left tackle" as a position in football. For me, it represents my To Do List after being away from home for days on end. It's all those chores I have left to tackle in one day. Even a day supposedly set aside to rest.

Good one.

So I woke up and got busy. Had some design projects I needed to get off my desk, plus loads of laundry to do. Took a break to attend a graduation party for a friend's daughter then came home to dust, sweep and vacuum – my Saturday chores – then bake.

Yes, it was a hot day in the mid-80s. Yes, I am one of those people who decides to turn the oven on anyway! Thank goodness for air-conditioning. I could have used that earlier when I totally made a rookie mistake with my baking prep.

In an effort to multi-task, we stopped by Wal-Mart on the way to the grad party so I could pick up a card. As long as I was there, I figured I better grab my ingredients for making a Hornets Nest Cake. Here's a tip: When it's 80 degrees, don't leave something in the car that can melt while you sit in the shade shooting the breeze and eating cake for more than hour.

Needless to say, my bag of butterscotch chips was one big misshaped chip when I got home. Still, I made it work – thanks to the magical powers in my new apron.

Ooh-la-la! Meet this fancy frau! This is NOT the apron Carter gave me. This is the one that Lukas' mom gave me, figuring I'd get a kick out of it.

Ja, I got a kick out of it AND a nice figure! Ha. Love it!

I really like the one Carter got me, too. It is the same style of apron I have been wearing for decades. I need a fresh new look so this Bavarian beauty will get a lot of use. Plus, I'm pretty sure I can only get away with wearing the really "fresh" one when Carter's not home.

Either way, the Hornets Nest Cake turned out fine. While it cooled I got some more car show-related work done and am pondering doing more.

Or tackling a piece of cake and going to bed!

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