Tuesday, July 7, 2015

From Empty Nesting to Nesting

I feel like I am EXPECTING – and in a way I am – because my empty nesting has turned into plain old nesting.

What is Nesting?

Nesting is the term used to refer to an expectant mother’s instinct which gives her a surge of energy which prompts her to clean and do various chores around her home. Nesting usually arises as the mother nears her due date.

Of course, not all women will nest. And it's a proven fact that the nesting process has no relation on how good a mother the woman will be. This is good news because, frankly, I am still waiting for anything resembling a surge of energy that prompts me to clean!

I will say though, that expecting our boy home in 48 hours or so has prompted me to review the list of chores I intended to do while he was gone. Ha. Time really did fly after all. His due date is almost here!

So I squeezed in a few chores tonight after work. His bathroom had been cleaned and somewhat redecorated so that was done. I still had to dust and vacuum his bedroom and wash the bedding. I hadn't been in his room except to put his mail in there. Had no idea he left dirty laundry nearly 4 weeks ago. There's the Carter we know and love.

And miss.

Honestly! Sure, we've saved a ton of money on groceries and had a good time spending it on golfing and the races and such, but it's not quite the same. Looking forward to seeing him late Thursday night and possibly, a long shot but quite possibly, getting that nesting surge of energy before then!

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