Thursday, July 16, 2015

Work Zone

So much for thinking that my 4-day "retirement" between jobs would be relaxing. That long-ignored To Do List is long! I didn't get very far today either.

It was a treat, though, to sleep in and not drive anywhere. When I realized it was going to be a cool day, I tackled the pile of white rock that needs to be placed in my new landscape area. In case you didn't know, two yards of rock make a big pile. In case you didn't know, it takes some major muscle to move it!

Needless to say, I skipped my "strength" class today and went straight to work. I was careful to handle small loads at a time so I wouldn't ruin my back. As a result, it didn't look like a whole lotta progress after 90 minutes. But I had sparkles running down my back to prove my effort!

It just happened that I had just run out of some underlayment material AND it started raining at point, so I took that as a sign to shower up and take care of some other items on my list. Can I help it the next task was visiting my hair artist? Definitely a priority!

After 2 hours of fun there, I dodged the rain and drove over to The Home Depot for some more supplies. I probably should get a membership card there now that I have been frequenting the orange retailer for the past month! From there, I came home and, thanks to the rain, did not venture back out to the rock pile. Guess I'll have to resume tomorrow when temperature and humidity may both be near 90. Uff da.

I did get a few small projects done nothing worth bragging about. If I get my office and/or bedroom closet organized, you will definitely hear about that! Too embarrassed to take "before" pictures, but maybe, if I am satisfied, I will take "after" ones. That seems a long way off since I have no motivation to start.

That must be that faux retirement in me talking!

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