Friday, May 5, 2017

Cinco de Royale

When the Assumption Royals baseball team shuts out a conference rival 5-0, Cinco de Mayo become Cinco de Royale!

So we celebrated.

Well, it was a good game. I actually saw it. I decided to rest the camera tonight and just watch a game. I picked a good one as there were no Royal errors, some great pitching and fielding, and some nice hits.

On the field on the other side of town, our Lady Royals also had a shutout victory and remain undefeated.

So of course we had to go out a little bit. Had a quick dinner at Ida's and I came home to get a good night's sleep since I have a race tomorrow. Well, calling it a race is like me as a Scandinavian celebrating Cinco de Mayo. I'm there for the fun part – in this case, free t-shirt and treats at the end of the race route.

We have the rest of the weekend off from any spring sports. It's raining now but it would still be nice if the weather cooperated for some "teamwork" in the yard tomorrow or Sunday. Let me get the walk/run out of the way and go from there.

Right now I am going to sink-o into my bed. Adios, amigos!

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